Career Development
Next Level Strategy: Critical Concepts to Advance your Circle and Future Career
Joseph J. Miceli III
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Strategy is a crucial yet often overlooked component to any collegiate organization’s success. This session will dive deep into the construction of an effective strategic framework and will review analytical methodologies used by Fortune 500 companies the world over. Along the way, case studies will be reviewed to cement learnings and actionable insights shared to make sure each attendee is able to apply this knowledge in the future. After concluding the case studies, the session will close with how a strategic mindset and visionary thinking can be applied post graduation to advance your career and stand out to leadership.
How to RISE and Reframe Your Career With Resilience
Joyel Crawford
Elon University
Resiliency is a key leadership skill set to not only manage one’s career, but it is also essential in managing one’s life. It is the ability to transform challenges into opportunities. When done effectively, one can manage setbacks quickly and minimize the physical and mental cost. This session focuses on the role resiliency plays in one’s work and career life, measuring one’s resilience, and providing useful tools to manage effectively instances where one needs to bounce-back quickly.
The Bird's Eye View of Leadership (Why the Three-Eyed Raven survived the Game of Thrones): Listening To Life
W. C. “Burr” Datz
Washington and Lee University
According to Socrates, the unexamined life is not worth living. Amid the 1960s, Thomas Merton wrote, “There is a pervasive form of contemporary violence … and that is activism and overwork … It kills the root of inner wisdom which makes work fruitful.” That was 50+ years ago! In this program, participants will experience a challenge or two together and then debrief their reactions and responses to it through a reflective process utilizing the Three I’s: Insights, Implications, and Implementation. Participants will leave with systematic ways of thinking about and critically analyzing their actions with the goal to develop mindfulness and a healthy work/life balance, improve oneself, and enhance one’s life as a leader.
Broken Crayons Still Color: How to develop, and create strong effective leadership skills & strategies that will last throughout college and beyond.
Donovan Mack
Salisbury University
Unhealthy hustle habits are a thing of the past in 2020, and navigating through one’s campus as a leader without a strategy is futile. This presentation will dive deep into examining personal branding tactics, effective strategies, and keeping the same energy. It will also focus on how turning one’s mess into a masterpiece will propel an individual to triumph.
Undergraduate versus Corporate Leadership Opportunities
Michael Westbrook
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
When students graduate college and enter the corporate sector, leadership opportunities dwindle – or so is thought. During a student’s undergraduate career, leadership opportunities are formalized and apparent. Students receive applications for clubs, research positions, and other extracurricular activities that are sent via email. In the corporate sector, the methods for creating awareness of leadership opportunities are not the same. In many cases, the only advertisement for leadership opportunities is job postings. But, this does not mean leadership opportunities do not exist. Rather, the opportunities are rebranded and less obvious. When recent graduates and even current professionals know what and how to look for leadership opportunities in the corporate sector, they can utilize leadership opportunities and help other circle members in the same quest.
Circle Management
Fostering a Community of Exceptional Leaders in Your Circle
David Rekhtman, Dan Alpert
University of Maryland, College Park
Are you interested in learning how to foster a community of exceptional leaders within a circle? The University of Maryland Sigma Circle will be presenting on the tools it uses to select the top leaders of the university into Omicron Delta Kappa. The presenters will share the circle’s application process, objective points and ranking system, and selection protocol. The presenters will provide examples of applications and methodology, which has helped this circle select the top 10% of candidates from more than 300 applicants each semester.
Leading a Circle of Dedicated Leaders: From Buy-In to Burn-Out
Joel Hermann
Maryville University
Leadership within a circle of Omicron Delta Kappa is continuously changing at a rapid pace. Advising a society that highlights juniors, seniors, and graduate students means that circles may only work with an individual student for maybe two years – and the only constant a circle may have would be its faculty advisor or circle coordinator. Through this round-table discussion, advisors and coordinators are invited to establish their position within a network of colleagues that are facing the same challenges on their campuses – whatever size of their institutions. By considering three keys to student leader success and excellence, this session will focus on creating a list of best practices needed to recruit dedicated members, encourage continued leadership, and highlight and reward student achievement.
Put the FUN in Fundraising
Katy Datz
Roanoke College
Join Katy Datz, Omicron Delta Kappa’s vice president for external relations, to learn creative ways to secure funds for one’s circle and events. From stewardship to event planning to solicitation of sponsorships, fundraising can be both fun and easy. This session is for anyone interested in developing strategies for increasing revenue for circle programs and activities.
How to Market + Recruit, Student Perspective
Melissa Cancio
Florida International University
Marketing membership in Omicron Delta Kappa to current college students may be a challenge. Prospective members who are considered to be the Generation Z constituency may respond differently to recruitment practices than individuals who are classified as Millennials. Circle leaders have to figure out what’s the best way to market and recruit the best type leaders to invite for membership. This session will explore strategies for recruiting and engaging prospective members.
Design Engaging Programs that Connect to O∆K’s Five Phases
Laura Seplaki, Jessica Flaherty
Rider University
The Rider University Circle will share ways in which it has created engaging circle programming, included members and administrators/faculty in the process, and utilized Omicron Delta Kappa’s five phases of campus life to guide the content of their programs. Additionally, session participants will have the opportunity to share information about their successful programs, determine best practices for designing O∆K programs, and create new programs to take back to their campus community.
Circle programming for retention using unique strategies members will love!
Kaitlyn Chance
Stephen F. Austin State University
In this session, the importance of member retention, and the effect a new member intake process can potentially have on a circle, will be discussed. The presenter will discuss the Stephen F. Austin State University Circle’s practices and key initiatives that have been taken to ensure member retention improves consistently through ever-emerging circle needs. Discussion and small group interaction will be encouraged throughout the session to expose leaders to the uniqueness of other circles and to exchange best practices for initiatives regarding retention based programming. Attendees will develop a clear understanding of best practices when creating a new member intake program as well as an evaluation and action plan to review with circle officers regarding specific new member intake and retention practices.
Creating Special Moments
Doron Tadmor, Christine Rhee
University of Maryland, College Park
What makes a moment special? Is it the people? Or maybe the occasion? From the tapping process to the induction ceremony at the end of the semester, there are endless opportunities for inspiring new members. In this session, participants will learn about how to transform the induction process into a special moment that will create lasting memories for new initiates.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity
Creating a learning atmosphere campus-wide that strives to serve all students
Zakhar Berkovich,
University at Albany
Join this interactive workshop that will help one identify assumptions, define deficit thinking, learn more about oneself, and help one identify steps that can be taken going forward to make communities more inclusive. Deficit thinking can limit an individual’s ability to discover greater diversity and equity in work and learning spaces. This workshop will explain deficit thinking and provide space for a productive conversation around this topic. Through engaging exercises and dialogue, participants will come up with at least one goal and one step that can be done to create a welcoming campus community that engages all of its diversity in the service of all and continuous organizational learning.
Using Your Diversity to Promote Equitable Practices in College and Beyond
Priscilla Kucer
Nova Southeastern University
Diversity comes in many forms. When working in diverse organizations, there are often several opportunities to promote equity and inclusion. Organizations can be school and non-school workplaces. Despite the type of organization, all employees and members want to feel included and to have equal access to opportunities within the organization. Advisors can help college students to identify their diversity and help them to develop initiatives that promote equitable practices and inclusion in any organization. This session will provide participants with strategies that they can implement immediately to promote equitable and inclusive practices in college and beyond.
Creating Educational Justice Circles: Dispelling GenZ Myths
Julia “Judy” Johnson
University of Redlands
GenZ students have been characterized as lacking in personal agency, grit, and social skills. They have also been described as being emotionally fragile. This presentation will describe the practice of creating small groups as professors, students, and multidisciplinary participants working within this educational community in a ‘visioning’ format for the discernment of a personal call to leadership. In this session, participants will learn about how these types of groups focus on practicing vulnerability, accountability, and strengthening from the ‘call within’ by answering the question, “Are your visions, values, and beliefs congruent with your actions?’ The session will also explore how these groups foster ethical decision-making for student leaders and will include information on training, empowerment, and how to create these circles on campuses.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Essential Competencies for 21st Century Leadership
Betsy Dunn-Williams
Campbell University
As the nation becomes increasingly more diverse, so do our collegiate spaces and the emerging membership of Omicron Delta Kappa. As national discourse around issues of nationality, citizenship, race, sexual orientation, gender, religion and socioeconomic status continue be tied to some of the most pressing issues of our nation’s history, in the spirit of celebrating and developing leaders of tomorrow, Omicron Delta Kappa recognizes competencies in diversity, equity and inclusion to be essential for leadership in the 21st century. Session participants will explore society-driven initiatives for promoting ideals of diversity and inclusion, while also identifying specific actions to further these ideals within their campus and circle.
Who Would You Save: Becoming More Empowering and Inclusive Leaders
Lateef Wearrien
SUNY Plattsburgh
In higher education, there is a robust conversation about diversity and creating an inclusive environment for students, faculty, and staff. However, sometimes in this conversation, the other important “D” word is left out – discrimination. In this thought-provoking, interactive workshop, participants will be challenged to unpack their own implicit biases in their personal and professional lives. In addition, participants are encouraged to learn about others’ lived experiences while understanding the importance of creating inclusive communities.
Leadership Perspectives
Leadership: Learning How to Spend Your Next 50 years
Herbert Rubenstein
Washington and Lee University
In this facilitated workshop, each participant will create a “road map” by writing down several major accomplishments each individual wants to achieve in the next five decades. This presentation will show how leaders use “applied vision” to foster a future world view with themselves being active participants in creating the future they envision. One takeaway will be for participants to see how creating their own “Leadership Road Map 1.0” can help guide them in making the difference in the world they want to make in the future. The workshop is based, in part, on several key leadership lessons from the biography, Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom by David Blight, PhD., Yale University Press, 2018.
Grasping Servant Leadership
Brittaney Dyer
University of North Georgia
Are you someone seeking to take a stance and help others achieve their goals and ambitions? Or, are you afraid that interception will yield negative feelings? Numerous leadership components can be acquired with proper training. But, if we are not aware of how to implement these qualities effectively, then our desire to assist others will fail. Cultivating professional leaders, exemplifying servant leadership, is beneficial for young adults and professionals alike. Through this session, O∆K collegiate members and advisors will acquire pertinent information on how to obtain and hone in on their inner servant leadership skills. This knowledge will be acquired through interactive, hands-on activities designed to challenge participants to work together and learn how serving others in fostering the success of the group as a whole.
Leadership from a Leader's Perspective
Greg Singleton
Universtiy of Memphis
Ever wonder just what’s the “secret” to motivating the masses? Have difficulty in getting your circle’s members to participate in programs? Just what are the key components to effective leadership and ensuring successful programming? After working in student affairs for 32 years and serving as a circle coordinator/faculty advisor for three different circles, the presenter will share some of the techniques that have worked for him and others. Participants will leave the session with a greater understanding of how to get members to “buy-in” to some of the creative ideas from the circle leadership and a better understanding of how to become a more effective leader yourself!
From Simple to Complex- How My Dissertation Research Changed My Mind… and How I Lead
April Schrank-Hacker
Stockton University
What is complexity? How do I know if I am in it? As leaders, we are faced with what seems like insurmountable problems to solve that have no right answers and called to blaze new pathways through innovation while at the same time requiring best practice. How can leaders understand how to reconcile these seemingly competing forces? This presentation aims to share ideas of “rethinking” conventional leadership approaches by using an intentional, reflective three-point model for decision making in complexity discovered while the presenter completed her doctoral dissertation research in organizational leadership. Themes of a feedback system between awareness of self, environmental contexts, and how to determine the right path of action will be explored in this session.
Leadership through a Mindfulness Lens
Steve Bisese, William and Mary
Jennifer Cable, University of Richmond
This session will share the efforts of one liberal arts institution in building and creating, one step at a time, a culture of mindfulness. The presenters will discuss the steps that have been taken, current related programs, and share a vision for what is to come. The presenters will offer deeper reflections on campus initiatives that have embraced mindfulness, such as the University of Richmond’s Faculty Learning Community (FLC) centered on mindfulness, teaching Koru Mindfulness in a variety of ways across our campus and region, and supporting a partnership between academics and athletics in welcoming George Mumford to campus for multiple interactions with our community.
Personal Leadership
True Colors Deep Dive
Michelle Burke
University of South Carolina, Columbia
Join the True Colors team for a deeper dive into the True Colors Personality Inventory. Learn about training, certification, and how to bring True Colors to a campus.
The Leadership Journey and the powerful impact of Crucible Moments
Eric Buller
Miami University
Reflection and evaluation of one’s leadership journey is a powerful tool in continuing personal leadership development. Even more powerful is when that reflection includes a crucible moment that forces one to reconsider personal values, goals, and direction, with the result potentially being life-changing. In this session, participants will learn about one leader’s journey and crucible moment and learn about the impact it had on his personal and professional life. Session participants will also have the opportunity to evaluate their own personal leadership journeys and the healthy habit of reflection-based behavior and development. Based on Bill George’s work around authentic leadership, this process will be a critical tool for students, staff, faculty, administrators, and leaders of all industries alike.
How to Lead in the Community through Mentorship
Colin Hungerpiller
University of South Carolina, Columbia
During the most recent academic year, the University of South Carolina, Columbia Circle utilized a Maurice A. Clay Leadership Development Grant to support leadership development programs at a local middle school. The circle also assisted with piloting a state-wide mentorship program sponsored by the University of South Carolina. In this session, the presenters will share the planning process behind the programs, strategies used to execute its initiatives, preparation of the participants, and how the circle formed the partnerships needed to make these events become a reality. This session will be helpful for individuals who are interested in learning about a unique way to actively engage circles with the community through leadership development and mentoring.
Your Sweet Spot: The Key to Leading & Serving with Maximum Impact
Latondra Heaven
Jacksonville State University
“Your Sweet Spot: The Key to Leading & Serving with Maximum Impact” Great leaders are intentional about making the greatest impact possible on those whom they encounter. What if you could maximize your impact, the impact of those you lead, and the corporate impact of your organization by making sure all players are “in their zone?” During this interactive session, we will define for the participants what a “sweet spot” is; help participants understand the important role that their “sweet spots” play in extraordinary leadership & service; identify the 3 key ingredients necessary to operating in their “sweet spots;” and facilitate the process of discovery to aid them in pinpointing their own “sweet spots.”
“Book Club” Leadership Development
Leslie Werden, Kyle Kommes, Alison Wright
Morningside College
Members apply to be in Omicron Delta Kappa based on leadership and academic success on campus. Clearly, members have leadership skills, intellectual prowess, athletic abilities, a service mindset, and more. However, circle leaders question how does our organization foster leadership development once individuals are accepted into the circle? There is a desire to continue to help our members learn and make progress. This workshop will review a sample “Book Club” concept that asks the executive team to select and read a book then create leadership training for the general membership. The workshop will include an overview of one circle’s program. It will guide participants through idea generation, the conceptualization of a similar project, and the development of an action plan to implement this type of leadership program on campus. Information about options for organizing cross-campus leadership training and faculty workshops will also be shared.
PIVOT into Leadership
Alan Duesterhaus
James Madison University
PIVOT into Leadership provides a value-based framework, coupled with developing a set of skills, for collegiate members to approach leadership authentically. Participants will take home a deeper sense of their own purpose and values. In this session, participants will define and identify the concept of integrity. Additionally, they will enhance skills in developing trust and openness. Ultimately, participants will leave the workshop with a new perspective on leadership and additional skills to use back in their communities.